My 2022 reflections

As 2022 comes to and end I figured I can spend a little time reflecting back and looking forward for what is ahead.

The most life-changing event last year was of course having our first son, Martin. He came to us in late Februari and has given a lot of new perspectives on life.

Learnings from last year

  • Time is limited and valuable. I have learned to minimize time wasted on scrolling social media or doing stuff I don't like.
  • Avoid trying to multitask. I don't think true multitasking exists, just rapid context switching. And it is way more energy-draining and inefficient than focusing fully on one thing at a time.
  • Take breaks. Long stretches of time on front of the screen destroys the body.

Goals for next year

  • Spend as much time as possible with my son. My plan is to be on 75% parental leave until Martin goes off to pre-school, and I want to maximize that time together.
  • Create something every day. Write, photo or coding.
  • Stretch goal: Post it online.
  • Read more real books. My plan is to always have one book in progress, and to write down some notes and reflections here while reading it.
  • Reflect more instead of just maximizing information intake.
  • Exercise daily. Preferably a visit to the gym or running in the forest.
  • Take more photos with the real camera. As I written about earlier, I want to let go of my phone and using the DSLR instead gives me less opportunities for distractions. And way better photos.