Watch Motion
Data collection
Project: Watch Motion
- Getting Started
- Data Collection
- More Training Data
- First try with on-device inference
- A journey through raw data
- Session recording
- More to come...
With the app working and the data collection endpoint ready I started collecting data. I made some small changes to the app so I can select which exercise I'm doing before starting the data collection.
There's also a 5-second delay before the recording starts to account for the time it takes to get started doing some reps. The samples are collected at 100Hz and by default for 10 seconds.
My first test from last weekend with situps looked good so I will keep that as one exercise. I also added overhead press, chins and battle ropes. The hardest one to predict will probably be chins as the wrists doesn't move that much during the exercise.
With that figured out, it was time to head out to the gym and start collecting some real world data!
Here are some of the samples I collected for the four exercises. This is unprocessed data straight from the watch, I will most likely need to do some processing and normalization before I can use it for training.